"That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers " Psalm 1:3
That person who never sits, stands , hangs around in the company of those who are mockers of Christ.
That person who delights in ways of the Lord is someone who is planted by God.

You are that tree planted by God!!!
We are the trees planted by the Most High , HIS Living Word will help us abide close to the Vine of life.
Then our roots will grow much deeper , and higher up in the Heavens will our treasures be.
Even when the storms will rage big and try to break us down, we will still lift our hands in praise.
No heartaches , no hurricanes can ever try to bring a tree down that the Lord has planted.❣️ Amen!!
No matter how harsh your past was, and no matter how worse your present is. Remember the Lord carries you in this wilderness.
**Are you in the midst of a raging wind, my friend ? I pray you will not falter today.
Cling close of the Vine of life, and bear much fruits even in the most hurtful seasons.
Faith filled Friday
A fruit bearing tree will be hurt by many stones. Take courage and bear more fruit. Our Lord is with us.
He is pruning us into His perfect image #greatgardener