The disciples woke him and said to Jesus " Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" Mark 4: 38, NIV
This is an honest cry from the mouth of those who walked and saw Jesus and His Power.
The tides were rising ,the boats were shaking, and the people were sweating in fear.
Teacher, don't you care when my loved ones are distant?
Teacher, don't you care as I bid my child goodbye one last time on his deathbed?
Teacher, don't you care that my womb is empty ?
Jesus , don't you care that I am all alone?
Jesus, where are you in my intense griefs and sorrows?
Have you asked any of these questions above plus more?
The ever-watchful Christ is in the boat of disappointments, sorrows, brokenness, betrayals, and storms right there with you and I.
Let us be honest with our feelings with our Creator today. Pour out your hearts and cry before Him. He is the Only One who can calm the storm within us.
He neither sleeps nor slumbers.
Peace, Be still ,my child!!!! Have faith that He will deliver you . Jesus cares for you and promises to carry you
Trustworthy Savior
We have an anchor in Jesus Christ that keeps us when facing the storms of life. The One who gave us life is the One who gave His life for us. That is the reason for our sure confidence when circumstances are bleak.