Lord Jesus ! You alone are my chief Joy and Refuge. Others might have laurels a.ka Work/Career/Marriage/ Kids/ Money/ Friends they can trust and rest in, but my desire is upon you. For REFUGE HAS FAILED ME, I HAVE ONLY YOU. You are my only hiding place in times of trouble. I want you to be my sole pit stop, my Defence, my Fortress, my secret bliss in times of distress.

Lord ! you are my Sabbath and your Holy Spirit is my Rest. Nothing and no one can touch the wounds of my heart except you. For you have the Healing Virtue that flows limitlessly to whoever touches you.

Once my life diagnosis is set, no one can change it except you. All I can do is helplessly acknowledge the Greatness of a God as you and your infinite power to move mountains in my life. I lift my hands and worship you from the depths of my soul.
Why do we then worry about things we cannot control? If Im weak then HE IS NOT, if Im foolish then HE IS NOT, if Im small then HE IS NOT ! STOP TALKING TO YOURSELF and talk instead to the Saviour . Psalm 142:2 I pour out my complaint before Him; I declare before Him my trouble.
Q.Who is truly my Refuge ( =shelter from rain or storm, from danger, of falsehood)?
A.The LORD is my REST , my TRUST, my BEST FRIEND, my JOY above all. Amen.

How wonderful it is to know that God cares for us. Let us cast all our burdens on Him. 1 Peter. 5:7. Amen